It's hard to me start writing this text 'cause I don't know well what country I'd like to visit. It's hard to make a desicion about even a kind of country. I'd like to visit the Caribbean ones for their beaches, tanned boys, latin heart and hot blood (?). But also visiting the Nordic countries could be an extreme adventure too, so I'm gonna write about every piece of land I've ever wanted to visit (but only in 150 or 180 words, don't cry!).
Countries like Brazil or Dominican Republic are almost the same to me (speaking of weather of course, please don't comment your critics of begginer sociologist because I know they're socially different!). I think that kind of country are always in summer, in christmas or something. They left an impression of eternal joy, but it could be effects of the weather cause I don't know how much joy is really there.
I don't want to copy the teacher's ideas but... who wouldn't want to visit England!? People look in fashion all the time, is cloudy all the time, there are recitals all the time, they got Liverpool (all the time), what else can I ask for? And their accent... oh, the accent of that people! It's funny and beautiful, a strange mix. Of course my favourite bands are from England (The Kooks, The Beatles, The Killers... wait, all of them start with "the".. maybe England is not so creative after all :/)
Another country I'd like to visit is French Guiana. Think about it: that country is in Latin America, just like us, but they're still under control of France... what the ***! We're not in colony time anymore, but nobody seems to care about French Guiana and what happens inside. All I know they're an "overseas region of France", where only rockets and satellites platforms are french and all the rest is native.
This is a wide and twisted world, so I will never get bored of looking for some new country to visit (if I get the money for that, one day). But just to visit: for much I hate the unequal social conditions in Chile, I think I will never find another country like this, maybe 'cause there's anything in the world like home.