In Chile is hard to learn and concern about enviroment.
Government doesn´t help too much and most of people are very lazzy about this topic. You must be very self-taught or a great searcher on the internet. Often the town council organise a lot of funny activities, but the enviroment is generally lefted in second place. It could be positive to make a magazine with advices for enviromentally friendly practices, to inform people of the zone, but sadly is easier to invert in funny things but not into important things. In my case, I don´t have recycling habits :c but I always throw garbage in the trash can (it's something).--------->
My mom have a car to got to work, but I always use subway or "micros". I don't ask her too much to go and pick me up in some place 'cause it's an innecesary gasoline spending.
I love biking, but the streets near my home are very dangerous, they're all avenues, so I tried to use mi bike but not so often.
Until now, I'm in an organization in defense of animals. Not directly environmentalist, but is related in some way. I still haven´t united to an eco-organisation because I don't know anyone near to my contacts, but I'm vegetarian, so I save like 6 lifes in a month or something (vegans save like 14?)
I'd like to introduce recycling at home but my mom is too lazy for those things. It's easier for her just have one trash can and not cultivate anything, so I hope when I have my own house to start recycling. For now, I just can go on subway to everywhere and get fit to start using my bike.
Finally, I think Chile is missing more information channels and campaigns on this issue. Those two desicions could start to change the way people live and transformate how they think about the enviroment.